Monday, July 30, 2018

What is awakening?

It is the capacity to see the truth / Awareness / Consciousness

Since the name of my channel is Awakening with Mythili, I thought it is necessary to tell you what is awakening?

A word of caution:
Before awakening life will be dull, boring and monotonous. After awakening life will be energetic and thriving.

Let me try to explain what is awakening in a simple and yet understandable way...
Awakening or Spiritual awakening is exactly similar to waking up from sleep. In real life, most of us just live in a monotonous routine without having any awareness of what we do and why we do. We do things just because everyone around us does it. It is equivalent to a dormant or unaware state.  Awakening is a process in which we suddenly become aware of our self i.e., who we really are and what we are supposed to do. Our perception of life changes for the good of us and others. We don’t limit our self to seeing the things with our real eyes but try to see beyond what is in front us or shown to us through our mind's eye. This eye is what we call as the third eye. 

Awakening someone else is like waking up a person who is not ready to see the actual picture he/she has to see about oneself or others or situations. It is similar to removing the blinds from the windows. Once a person is awakened, they become aware of everything that is happening around them and starts to question everything and accept it only if they really feel or experience the truth of it.

Why do we need to awaken?
For eons in this world , there was this method of dividing and conquering. Everything that a human mind could make up was used to section people for selfish and greedy needs. It was regional, racial or based on gender, religion, skin color, caste, language, education, etc. People were divided and blinded because it was easier for negativity and selfishness to thrive and grow. We have many belief systems ingrained in our culture and tradition which we still follow because someone had approved it long long ago and now it has become an unwritten law. 

For example , people can abuse, fight and kill each other over their religion or caste or skin color to prove who is dominant or superior. Many still believe, they are superior. 

We have been told many lies for centuries by our ancestors and were made to believe it as truth and now it has become accepted as part and parcel of our reality and life. If we enclose sheep by a fence for few days, they will think they are fenced even if we remove it. That is how the lies we heard for years or the belief thrusted on us remains permanent generation after generation.

Some of the beliefs ingrained in us are “women are always inferior to men”. “Women shouldn’t do this this and this”
People who are rich are very happy. 
You are not worthy because you have ugly features  
You are not worthy because you don’t have a job
Bearing a child is a blessing.
Our religion is better than others.
If you are more educated you are more worthier
If your skin is dark, you are inferior
Parents know better than children etc etc
You can add your own... 
By now you know what lies you came across hahaha. 

Many have started making money by stressing and supporting these lies and promising to help us. All the lies benefit someone in the society that’s why these lies are still maintained and will be maintained forever. For eg. Since the dark skin is inferior, we can see umpteen number of ads in tv and social media to rectify it. These ads further make you loose your self esteem and thrive on that. Most of the business make us feel we lack and target on the lack.

So what i am trying to tell here is.. it is time to make people aware of the truth. Telling the truth simply may not work because, it is difficult for people to accept it until they really find it or experience it themselves. The lies are ingrained in our body and mind.

So the better/efficient way is to awaken them and make them realize that there is something more behind every belief they have and that feeling or pain in their heart which says something is not right about it is actually true. Yes, something is wrong about every belief system and since it suits someone it still exists. 

Most of us try to rebel when our intuition says something is wrong here but we do not know clearly what we want or what is right for us so we again settle for something unwanted. 

For example, a parent who has limited beliefs will try to impose it on their son or daughter even after they are grown and control them. Since the children are unaware of a certain belief system, they are forced to follow.

Once we awaken, we will be able to continue our own quest for truth which will liberate us from false beliefs and give us more freedom and ways to live a joyful life. An awakened person is fearless. All that doesn't serve us either situations, people or things will leave us or we will be enlightened to leave them. 

So How do we get awakened?
It is not possible to awaken everyone until they want to or until they are ready. It is your choice. Awakening can happen naturally while undergoing traumatic experiences or blissful experiences which turn one’s life upside down. It is exactly the same way when you are asleep and suddenly if there is a jolt we wake up. It can also happen when you are physically or emotionally close to an awakened person or if living in an awakened community. Awakening may look painful because we fear about our own thoughts and our decisions. We have a fear that we are isolated, we have a fear that we are different and we don’t want to tread into the less unknown world. Instead, we settle with known which is uncomfortable and undergo the trauma. Known discomfort is better than unknown comfort right? 
We have the saying  a known devil is better than an unknown angel. It was all a lie. 

Sometimes people feel something has happened to them and isolate themselves from others because they know that they are different but they don’t know what to do. For example, until we were made to be aware that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender are part of our society, it was considered as a shame and the concerned people were in pain and most of them were exploited. This is just an example. There are many more like domestic violence, relationship issues, societal issues etc. We need to raise our own awareness and know the truth in every situation and about our self. We cannot compare with others and generalize situations. All situations are unique.

An awakened person is called a spiritual person. And the science related to awakening is called spiritual science or spirituality and the life lived in an awakened state is called spiritual life. 

When I say I am spiritual, it doesn’t mean that I am claiming or projecting to be better than others or   completely enlightened like Buddha. It just means I am like everyone else. Only difference is I am consciously awakened and I am undergoing the transformation. You are also undergoing this process consciously or unconsciously. This transformation is a never ending process. There is no scale to measure anyone and compare. We are all one and the same. 

Since i was repeating the word spiritual many times, let me tell What is spirituality?
Spirituality is a process that breaks all the walls which we have raised between us and others and make us understand that we are all one and the same. There is no discrimination between you and me and everything around us. 

The entire universe, the living and non-living beings are made up of the same matter. The moment you realize that there is only one supreme power which each one of us might call by any name... It can be a God for someone (Allah, Krishna or Jesus), some might address it as divine power, it might be the universe for someone and some might even believe everything is some randomness. But we all seek for the same thing Peace and Joy.
Once you start understanding and respecting everyone’s view without judgment you become a spiritual or awakened person...

Religion divides people but spirituality unites. Spirituality accepts all religions as one and the same.

I would like to end by saying the same thing that Buddha says.. "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” 
what a clear statement.

Thank you very much !!

Crumbling Systems

Hello all.....
This is about how  the major systems are crumbling in our society

Though I have been speaking with a limited community around me, I understood that i need to reach more and spread what I know. So after a long thinking, I finally decided to come out and speak my heart to the world by having my own youtube channel. Whatever I speak here is solely based on my own experiences. There is no pressure to accept or believe whatever I say because it is not a classroom here. If it resonates and if you to know more you can follow my channel.

If it doesn't resonate you can just leave it. 

Recently I realized that there is an urgent need to reach out to everyone who is looking for some information regarding whatever I may know. 

I was asking myself. Why do I want to reach out? The reason is based on what I knew. And what I know is this...

Every system on our earth is crumbling down. The education system, the marriage and the family system, the religion, etc etc. Currently, we are just mere spectators. Those who already know that these systems will fall won't have much problem. But those who have no idea about the condition of all these systems and hanging on to them will be devastated.  Those who were believing and concentrating on making the most out of these systems will be betrayed and feel the pain.  Those who have started questioning the system, on the other hand, need support and must know that many are feeling the same. This support may give confidence to them on what they know.

Let us take the education system. In schools and colleges, we have been stuffing unwanted things on our younger generation without making them aware of the essence of life and its beauty. We are concentrating on grades and scores and degrees one after another giving useless knowledge to the child.  The wisdom of how to handle life and what should be done at various stages of our lives and how we can survive our own issues and remain in peace, joy, and harmony are not shared. The education system is not able to nourish the creativity and survival skills of the child. Instead, our education system converts dynamic and energetic children into meaningless dumb products in a line for sale.  Educational institutions are factories are ranked on how many students they produce, how much revenue they produce, how many different moulds they have, I mean how many courses they have etc. How to become humane is not available in the whole curriculum of all the universities, college, and schools. The world is running behind making money or getting money. When will a curriculum be developed in such a way that, every student taking up any job after school is paid equally? If we paid equally, why will someone eye on others job and crave for it? Why do people want to reach the highest paid job? Why should we show a difference in payment when all are necessary jobs whatever job it may be. This world needs all hands. All need to be paid equally. 

The next one is marriage. This system is limping and in its last leg. It failed to bring in a harmonious relationship between partners who can nourish and help each other to grow and evolve with freedom and respect without codependency.  Instead, it became a burden and the partners became just beasts of burden of torturing each other thinking to correct each other or benefit from each other and their respective families. They are not ready to see what is wrong within them and correct themselves. They fear to break relationships that don't serve any purpose just because of the society or for any other personal benefits. The family relationships between father mother children and other members are completely damaged since a father or mother or any other member doesn't know anymore what are they supposed to do with their children and what life is. For them, life is like climbing a mountain and planting a flag on the top of Everest,  a nonstop seeking for material, power, fame etc. They are helpless. So the only thing they know is competition. They want their wards to compete.. compete and compete.. what for? Why? They have no answers. Here again in this system of family and marriage, being humane is never a criterion. 

Religious beliefs are hitting rock bottom. All the crowds thronging the churches, temples, mosques etc are shattered because none of their prayers have been answered except for a few which cannot be considered as proof or validation. People are tired of fighting whose god is the real god. They realized no particular god has performed well. There is a belief system that God punishes in all the religions. So people try to imitate God and punish on their behalf. But God is love. When will we realize it and imitate him in that way?  Even in any of the religious practices irrespective of any religion, there is no stress on being humane.

In conclusion, In fact many do not know the meaning of being humane. Where is all this taking us? People have started questioning what is right and what is wrong. What is right for someone is wrong for someone else. No one knows why? No one knows how to understand this fact. No one knows about absolute and relative truth. No one knows this world is a dual world. Everything exists here. No one has an alternative way to live but to just undergo blindly whatever our ancestors already underwent. They have no idea how to handle or break these systems. There is fear in breaking a system that has come a long way. Most of us feel we are powerless. But we all seek for a change and want to get out of these systems which have tied us down and want to live a life of peace and joy. 

What is the solution? 

There is no over the counter solution. We need to first be aware that these systems are not functioning the way it has to .. because we never considered all humans as equals because of our greed and jealousy. 

To make a change in the world, in the society and in one's life, We need to be ready to make a change in ourself and treat everyone as equal.

I too was no different from everyone. But the moment I decided to change myself the entire perspective of life changed. I realized, if I want a beautiful world around me, I have to become beautiful inside. Every day I try to make myself become a better version. I see the world is changing around me when I changed. 

To change ourself, we need to know about ourself, our perceptions, our belief systems etc. To help or reach out to others who are around confused in similar boats I have planned to make more videos on various topics to help, support and to question yourself about it. This just a little drop of water in a mighty ocean. Many drops are around. 

Thank you !!